Christmas Chemistry worksheet for A Level students

Exciting news!  In 2019 I plan to upload a wide variety of chemistry teaching and learning resources.  Until then here is a free Christmas Chemistry worksheet for A Level Chemistry students (link below).  The answers will follow by the end of the week.  If you would like to know more about the new resources and other developments to take place at Online Chemistry Tutor then please follow my social media or email me directly.

If you need help with your studies I have tuition slots available.  The first lesson is free of charge and I offer incentives for any of my students who refer new customers to me.  I have thirteen years experience of teaching GCSE and A Level Chemistry as well as four years as an A Level Chemistry examiner.  I bring all my knowledge and experience to every one of my lessons.  My online tuition platform allows me to teach one to many as well as one to one so if you want to band together with other students to spread the cost then that can be arranged.  For more information, contact me via email or any of the social media platforms listed below.  Click here to read former and current student feedback.

Click this link for the worksheet.

Click here for detailed answers

Contact details and social media links as follows.



I wish you all a very happy Christmas and best wishes for 2019.



Featured image taken from